Internships at Fantagraphics
Internships are suspended until further notice.
All internships are unpaid.
Interns at Fantagraphics receive the opportunity to learn about the comics-publishing process; they also gain knowledge of various aspects comics industry (the differences between the comic-shop market and the bookstore market, distribution, creator’s rights, etc.). Please be advised that all comics are created off-site: interns do not write or draw comics during internship hours, although if someone in the office has the spare time, they’re often happy to critique independent projects completed outside of the internship. In fact, no one at the office writes, draws, pencils, inks or hand-letters comics during business hours.
Interns’ hours are scheduled during the Monday-Friday 10:00-6:00 time period. A minimum of 10 hours a week is required.
Be advised that the office contains a large variety of comics material, so you will come across sexually explicit content. In light of this, we strongly encourage only people over 18 to apply.
Editorial interns research, proofread, transcribe, do digital cleanup, maintain the library and practice various writing registers.
To apply, send in a resume and cover letter. If there is a large volume of applicants for a specific time slot, there is a selection process involved. There are no set start and end dates for internships; once an applicant is chosen, we work with when they are available to come out.
Contact info:
Kristy Valenti, Internship Coordinator
kvalenti “at”