The cover to Red Room: Trigger Warnings #1, featuring six severed heads held by their hair. Text reads, "Behold live via web came—the Rat Queens!" with an arrow pointing toward the severed heads. Other text reads, "Witness mayhem and bloodbaths! See murder on the dark web—for fun and profit! The blockbuster hit series is back! First issue! Self Contained!" Everything is in red, green, and yellow, with a staticky texture reminiscent of B-horror films.
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Ed Piskor

Red Room: Trigger Warnings #1

On sale date: March 9, 2022

The best selling, most talked about series of 2020 kicks off its second four-issue “season” with another self-contained mini-masterpiece of monthly comics storytelling. In this issue, the Decimator presents... The Rat Queens! And unfortunately for them, they are front and center in his most horrific red room broadcast yet! As seen on the YouTube channel sensation, Cartoonist Kayfabe, from the creator of X-Men: Grand Design and Hip Hop Family Tree!

Red Room: Trigger Warnings #1 is part of the Red Room series.


10.3" × 6.6"