Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse: The Riddle of Brigaboom cover image
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Romano Scarpa, John Lustig

Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse: The Riddle of Brigaboom: Disney Masters Vol. 23

On sale date: March 26, 2024

Mickey and Donald tackle arch-foes and family feuds in new-to-USA adventures by comics maestro Romano Scarpa!

From Minnie to Horace to Mortimer Mouse, Mickey’s friends and fiends are bewitched by Dr. Wrayspray and his amazing health tonic. But Mickey smells a rat — and the trail leads to Wrayspray’s headquarters on Brigaboom, an amazing island that only appears once every five years… where Peg Leg Pete is cooking up a diabolical new racket! Next, it’s Donald in deep duck trouble when he’s forced to battle an army of AI-controlled evil toys in “Remotely Impossible” — and his own unhinged cousin in “The Unsinkable Kildare Coot!” Finally, Goofy’s royal love interest returns in “The Famed Jumping Frog of Queen Zenobia”… with a criminal plot hot on her tail!

Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse: The Riddle of Brigaboom: Disney Masters Vol. 23 is part of the Disney Masters series.


"We are getting quite a library of Romano Scarpa Disney comics through this series... I love the Disney Masters series because we get treated to stories and illustrations from more great Disney comic creators besides the legendary Barks and Rosa. We may have never had a chance to read these stories outside of Fantagraphics' Disney Masters series." — Duck Talks


Full color.
7.8" × 10.6"